
The English Farm | Mastering Fluency

このコースは、長期にわたって着実に流暢な英語習慣を身につけたい方にお勧めです。 即実践をご希望の方は、スピーキングテスト戦略のレッスンをお試しください。

  • Fluency (流暢さ) : STS 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 
  • Delivery (話の進め方) : STS 21, 22, 23

Time to complete

4 hours / 5 classes
5 hours / 10 classes

These Mastery courses allow students to focus on specific areas they are lacking in. Through covering basic linguistic knowledge, language acquisition theory, and study/test preparation skills, these mini-courses start by allowing students to self-diagnose areas they need to work on, and end with ideas in acquiring skills naturally in their everyday life. The courses aim to make students active learners in mastering areas such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, instead of passively memorizing or taking classes. Encourage your students through their time at The English Farm to use the skills learned in these lessons.

In relation to the GBC, this course will help students:

  • Learn to fill pauses and speak smoothly 
  • Show a flexibility of speech through learning the use of intonation, stress, and rhythm 
  • Use accurate phrasing 
  • Use non-verbal communication effectively (gestures, eye contact, animation and enthusiasm)