Take a look back
This lesson will look back on the previous four lessons. You will get a chance to remember and use idioms you have learned.
Recall the language you learned in previous lessons. What was your favourite idiom from each lesson? Have you had a chance to use it?
Your teacher will help you to remember idioms from each unit.
- Work
- Problems, difficulty or misfortune
- Ease
- Ability
A. Real-world examples
For each short passage below, do the following:
- Read the passage and predict the idiom.
- Listen to the audio, identify the idiom and compare it to your prediction.
- Explain in your own words what it means.
Note: don't worry about grasping the full context; just focus on the idiom being used.
1. A CEO is giving a presentation on Thursday.
"All right, you made a mistake, ______. We're gonna learn from that..."
2. An actor wonders if the Q&A session is over.
"Anything else, or should we, um, ________ ?"
3. A reporter tells the an airline's trouble.
"the political crisis in Hong Kong was a major blow to Cathay Pacific. Now the impact of the Coronavirus may be _______."
4. A student talks about moving to the USA.
"I lived and worked in nine different countries in my life, so I thought coming here to the United States as a student would be ______."
5. A YouTube host presents a list of rich people who lost their fortune.
"Burton also owes the IRS more than $6 million. The classic lesson here is don't ___________."
6. A young inventor describes the process of creating medical device.
"I didn't have a whole lot of money, so I really had to ___________ for a lot of things."
7. Former U.S. president Barack Obama speaks at a Business Roundtable.
"But that's the status quo now. And if you want to correct those things, we've got to ___________."
8. The president and CEO of Harper Collins talks about the economics of publishing.
"...there's a lot of ideas like that, that we think we need to ___________, try things, and we're getting great results."
B. Discussion
Now, try using an idiom to answer the following questions.
- What's the most difficult part of your job?
- What's a bad thing that's happened in the last few months?
- What's something you consider very easy?
- What's something you are good at doing?