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Teacher Profile

Teacher time zone: 
My teaching schedule: 
July 21, 2018 to October 8, 2018
October 11, 2018 to December 31, 2018
July 7, 2018
About me: 

I live in Wellington, New Zealand but I have also lived in Australia, Japan and the United Kingdom. I love traveling, cooking, and spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy talking with people from all over the world. 

Teaching since: 
Teaching experience: 

I lived on the Noto Peninsula for two years where I taught English at elementary and junior high schools. In the evenings I also ran English conversation classes for adults. I have also taught Japanese to high school students and adults in New Zealand.


Teaching focus: 

Grammar, pronunciation and conversation are very important to me. I will help you to practice your English until it sounds very natural. I can teach casual conversation through to business and corporate English. With my background in employee engagement and consulting, I can offer particular assistance with business English.


Professional experience: 

I have worked at a consultancy in London specialising in employee engagement and human resources. I worked with companies and organisations from all over the world. I have also worked in market and social research. I am now studying to be a nurse.


I have a Bachelor of Arts, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Communications, and a Masters Degree in Management (Human Resources).

Location & language

New Zealand
Where are you from?: 
New Zealand
First Language: 
Other Languages: 
Japanese (日本語)