Teaching consultants

Consulting as an industry can be abstract and difficult to understand. There are a lot of terms your students may use that you've never heard of, or you maybe you know the term but aren't sure if your student is using it in an idiomatic way. 

At The English Farm we are lucky to have a long-time teacher, Emma, who has a background in consulting. Jeremy asked her a lot of questions about the broad overview of consulting, how to teach consultants, and some key terms we should drop into conversation like a pros. Listen to it below. 

Following that, if you come across anything new, the best advice is to just ask your student what it means. Ask what the difference is between two terms, or ask them to explain jargon in everyday language. Consultants are expected to explain complex things to clients so it is important for them to practice that in our lessons. You can frame it like this:

To be honest, I didn't quite follow you. Can you imagine I'm a client who has no idea about consulting, but I want to know. Can you explain that to me?

Finally, there are ample resources for understanding consulting language. One great resource is this glossary of consulting terms. You can even send it to your student and highlight a few new English terms to use.