Social media policy

Social media has become an integral part of modern life. At The English Farm, we not only welcome your use of social media and association with our organization, but we encourage it since it is one way to help us grow and expand, as long as it is done in a respectful and responsible manner. We also understand that employees may have social media platforms that they use for personal purposes. This policy is to help protect you and The English Farm from any risks and liabilities that come with such interactions.

There are three main kinds of social media activity we would like to address:

  • A. Your own public personal social media use, not carried out in the name of The English Farm, though it could well include work-related activity, like Retweeting or Liking our posts on our existing social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram).
  • B. Your participation on company social media platforms.
  • C. Official social media activity in the name of our brand. (For social media staff)

A. Personal social media use guidelines (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, blogs, etc.)

  1. TEFers should know and adhere to The English Farm’s contract, especially the pages concerning our code of conduct regarding “confidentiality, social media & internet use” (pg 8 & 9), and “ending employment: serious misconduct” (pg 14).
  2. TEFers are personally responsible for any content they publish publicly online whether it is a blog, social networking site or any other form of user-generated media. What you do behind closed doors is not our business, but keep in mind that what you do publicly affects us, too.
  3. Identify yourself (name and when relevant, role at TEF) when you discuss TEF matters such as the services we provide. You must also make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of TEF.
  4. Be aware of your association with TEF in online social networks. If you identify yourself as a TEFer (which we are more than happy to have you do!), ensure your public profile and related content are consistent with how you wish to present yourself with colleagues and with clients. Integrity is our most important commodity. Avoid writing/posting anything that would embarrass TEF or compromise your ability to do your job.
  5. Let’s honor our differences. TEF will not tolerate discrimination (including age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship, disability, marital status or any other legally recognized protected basis).
  6. Even if you use privacy tools (determining who can view your page or profile, for instance), assume that everything you write, exchange or receive on a social media site is public.
  7. Keep in mind that the Internet remembers (i.e. “Whatever happens in Vegas… stays on Google”).
  8. Respect proprietary information and content, as well as confidentiality. Do not disclose confidential information about TEF, your colleagues, or your students online or otherwise.
  9. Your students and colleagues may find you on social media (and even ask you to hang out sometime). You are not in any way required to accept any of their requests or invitations, although you are welcome to do so if you would like. Just remember that the same rules for social media apply to individual messaging and offline activities.
  10. If in doubt, don’t post it. You can always ask admin for guidance first before doing anything.

At the end of the day, have fun, but be smart. Use your best judgment and common sense. We really value our staff and think highly of you (that is why we hired you!).

B. Your participation on company social media platforms

  1. You are more than welcome, in fact encouraged to, participate on our social media platforms (Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook). Feel free to Follow, Like, Retweet, and comment on things as much as you’d like. In fact, we’d appreciate it, as long as you are comfortable with it!
  2. If you do, please make sure you are in compliance with the guidelines above for personal social media use (A).
  3. If you find any links or images that might be useful/interesting for students, please send them to
  4. If you have any photos you’d like to share with your students or with other TEFers, please send them to, and we will put them up on Instagram. See here for details.
  5. We may take pictures in future meet-ups and post them on Instagram or other social media platforms, but we will always, always you before putting them up (and we can take them down at any point).
  6. Remember that students or colleagues may find you on social media (A9). You are by no means required to form ties with them on it (although you are welcome to if you like), but if you do need to decline someone’s invitation, please be polite and respectful about it.

    E.g. Thank you so much for your request! I really appreciate it, but I only use this account for family. Please feel free to email me at ____/send me a message on Skype if you want to get in touch.

    If you send any Instagram photos to our page, you can guide them there instead as well:

    E.g. We do have an English Farm Instagram page with pictures of our teachers if you’re interested :)

C. Official social media activity in the name of our brand. (For social media staff)

  1. Respect copyright, fair use and financial disclosure laws.
  2. Make sure you are in compliance with the guidelines above for personal social media use (A).
  3. Respect the privacy of your colleagues and always, always ask and get confirmation in writing before putting any pictures up or tagging people on social media.
  4. Take posts down if anyone asks us to.