
When students cancel

Students may cancel classes up to 12 hours before the lesson and get back their point. We send out a reminder 14 hours before the class to give them a chance to do that. If they don't make the class, or want to informally cancel less than 12 hours before, you still get paid, but you need to mark down the no-show and complete a lesson record.

At the very bottom of the lesson record, you need to indicate that the student did not attend:

However, you are the boss of your own schedule, and if you are feeling generous or sympathetic, you can cancel the class for them and they will get their point back. You will not get paid. This is your choice. We discourage it, since it creates a precedent and people tend to abuse this after a while. Please don't do this unless it is a very exceptional circumstance.

If you cannot make it

You are in total control of your schedule, lessons  and communications with your students. You should manage to block and plan enough in advance that you avoid timetable clashes. However, if for whatever reason, you need to cancel a class (or classes), please contact the student and explain to them/apologise as far in advance as possible. You can do that over Skype if you see them online, or by email. Make sure you tell them before you cancel the class, and if at all possible, wait for their response before you cancel the class.

To cancel the class, click the offending lesson in your schedule and then delete it:

If you do cancel classes, please send an email to support at just so we get a heads up. We might be able to offer them a class with another teacher.

If you horrendously ill

If you cannot manage to sort this out yourself, just let us know and we will take care of cancellations.

My Internet/power died

When your connection or power dies, please use a cellphone or other means to tell support and your student(s). Under no circumstances (except the most exceptional) should you miss a lesson without informing the student first and then us. It is imperative that we do not waste our students' time.

When all else fails

If you have no other means of contacting students and support, please text Matthew +64276786106 as a last resort. Don't forget to identify yourself!

If you are not sure about any of this, please let

Cancellations and refunds

If staff cancel lessons for students at any time, the student will always get a refund. If you need to cancel the class, up to the time of the lesson, please just delete if from your schedule. This will automatically refund the point to the student and deduct it from the teacher. This might be because you are ill, or the student can't make the class and you want to do them a favour (but be careful that you don't create any expectations that we are always going to break the cancellation policy—save this for exceptions and emergencies).

If the start time has already passed, please do not delete the lesson from the schedule. Write a lesson record and issue a refund there.