You undoubtedly have a special set of skills that you can rely on in business and in life. Embrace your areas of expertise and your unique leadership skills in order to thrive. There is always room for improvement, but it is important to accept who you already are.
Language point:
- “Let go” means to surrender or release your hold on something. You can let go of past mistakes, a bad day, or even physical items like clothes that you’ve held on to for too long.
- "Embrace" is the opposite of letting go. It means to accept and support something with enthusiasm.
Another way to read this quote is:
Let go of the English you think you’re supposed to know, and embrace the English you have.
We teachers at The English Farm like to tell our students to “say what you can." This means that you don't need perfect English in order to communicate! Keep showing up for your lessons and work towards your goals, but in the meantime, embrace the words that you do know and keep speaking!
Here are two TEDTalks by Brené Brown on The power of vulnerability and Listening to shame.
She also has a Netflix special called Brené Brown: The Call to Courage.