Specific Commercial Transactions Law in Japan

The English Farm | Golden Week Sale - Get 10% OFF

Company: The English Farm, operated by Inkstone Limited, a company registered under the laws of New Zealand with registered number 2052075.

Administrators: Matthew Radich.

Location: Auckland, New Zealand & Tokyo, Japan.
PO Box 24161 Royal Oak, Auckland 1345, New Zealand

General enquiries:  contact@theenglishfarm.com

URL: http://theenglishfarm.com

Price: Please refer to our price list.

Payment method: Paypal and major credit cards.

Delivery: Services are rendered via Skype and our website.

Privacy policy: Personal information is respected and protected. See our privacy policy for more details.

Terms and conditions: Please refer to our terms and conditions for details.

Refunds: Please try our service for free first. Refunds will not be given except as outlined in our refunds policy.