TEFtalk, Instagram, Moving on, and Andrew supports struggling schools

By Di on September 23 2019

TEF News

Work continues on TEFTalk

In testing, the site has been unstable, and there have been some times when it has not worked well in different regions around the world. We are sorry if this has been inconvenient. This month we rolled out changes that will improve things—there should be fewer issues with speed and stability. We'll continue to update you as we fine-tune the site.

@TheEnglishFarm on Instagram

When you work online and your colleagues live all over the world, it can sometimes feel a bit lonely. So whenever we can, TEF teachers from the same area get together in what we call "meet-ups". They're lots of fun, and they help us get to know each other as actual people, not just faces on the computer screen. At every meet-up we take pictures and post them on our Instagram account. There are also pictures there from our teachers' lives outside of TEF—and our teachers lead pretty amazing lives! So be sure to check it out. 

Goodbye, Matt V

Matt V has decided to leave The English Farm to pursue new opportunities. We'll miss him a great deal but wish him the best on this new stage in his life! If anyone would like help finding a teacher to take Matt V's place, please contact us at support@theenglishfarm.com.

Andrew supports struggling schools

The Employee of the Month for September is our statistics expert—Andrew! Born and raised in the U.S., he’s now living in Chile working on his Spanish skills as well as a Master’s degree in data analysis. Before teaching, Andrew spent three years recruiting IT professionals for dozens of companies. At The English Farm, he’s always available to answer our questions (about anything!) and has led an in-house workshop on statistics. But most importantly, our students love Andrew’s lessons, booking him regularly.

Andrew has chosen to donate his award money to two different projects through DonorsChoose.org, helping teachers at struggling public schools fund technology improvements. He says:

Donors Choose is an awesome organization where we can directly impact projects that are important to us, and see exactly how our donation benefits those in need. The projects I've chosen to support provide technology for low-income classrooms to better prepare their students for a tech-forward future.

Thank you for being part of our team, Andrew! You’re a true joy to work with.

With warm regards,


* Due to a few changes regarding the chosen charity, we have updated the information above. [October 30]