Sales tax, new courses and new editions

By Di on March 2 2020

Starting April 1st—10% sales tax will be charged

The English Farm is no longer exempt from sales tax in Japan, so from April 1st, 10% sales tax will be charged on all purchases made in Japan.

New courses

We have three new courses now available at TEF. Two are other levels of current courses, and one is a new offering.

  • Business Result Elementary (2nd ed)—the starter level of the popular Business Result course.
  • Clear Speech Beginner (2nd ed)—known as "Clear Speech from the Start", a pronunciation course for beginner-level students.
  • Dynamic Presentations—[NEW] a more thorough study of making good presentations in English than our previous course, Presenting in English. (Presenting in English will continue to be supported for students already in progress.)

The Intermediate and Advanced levels of Business Vocabulary have been updated to a 3rd edition. The 2nd editions will continue to be supported for students who are currently using them.