New year, new course, and Marc supports victims of domestic violence

By Di on December 30 2019

It's the end of the year, a time when we look back on 2019 and forward to 2020. Here at The English Farm, 2019 was terrific and 2020 looks better still! We have lots of new things in the pipeline to build on our successes and continue growing into our mission to be awesome to students, each other, and the planet.

New course available

Clear Speech is the best-selling English pronunciation textbook in the world. If you have asked, "How do I speak English more naturally?" then this is the course for you. Clear Speech is a comprehensive guide to English speech. It will help you score well in speaking tests, give more dynamic-sounding presentations, and speak more smoothly in everyday life. Take a trial lesson and see how much your speaking skills will improve!

Email issue fixed

There was a problem with delays in sending emails to teachers and students, but the issue has been resolved. Thank you all for your patience—our apologies for the trouble.

Marc supports victims of domestic violence

Our December Employee of the Month, Marc, is a terrific teacher whose high-quality teaching and friendly demeanor inspire many of his students to return for more. And besides his busy teaching schedule, he contributes a lot to our graphic design. Many of the illustrations you see on our site are Marc's work.

Marc has chosen to donate his award money to Safe Woman, Safe Family, an organization in Western Australia dedicated to helping women whose lives have been affected by family and domestic violence. Marc chose this organization because, as he puts it,

"I’m strongly against violence of any form, so I hope this goes some way to helping families in need of support."

Thank you, Marc, for all you do at TEF. We hope you'll stay for a long, long time!

That's it for December from The English Farm. We hope 2019 has been good to you and look forward to seeing you again next year!

Warmest regards,
