New teachers, and Nadim helps children in Nepal

By Di on December 28 2020

New teachers: Lloyd, Alex and Eada

  • Lloyd is from Kent, England, and has been teaching English for 10 years. Before turning to teaching, he worked in corporate environments which focussed on IT project management and staff training. In his free time, Lloyd loves to watch Studio Ghibli movies with son, and to pursue the arts, music, and chess.
  • Alex is Canadian and loves outdoor sports and activities such as cycling, rock-climbing, snowboarding, and surfing. He has traveled a lot, including teaching English in Korea for a year. Besides teaching, Alex has worked as a server and bartender for most of his adult life, in all kinds of eateries from fine dining to pubs.
  • Eada is a bilingual (English and French) Canadian from Montreal who currently teaches English to native French speakers. When not teaching, she spends her time cooking for family and friends, working on a local farm, cycling or cross-country skiing. 

Employee of the Month: Nadim

Our Employee of the Month for December is Nadim—he's been doing so much work for The English Farm that we wonder when he sleeps! A busy and popular teacher, Nadim is also working with the Marketing team and Human Resources, including interviewing and helping train all these great new teachers coming on board. He has chosen to donate his prize money to Child Rescue Nepal, an organization that rescues trafficked children and provides them with what they need to have a successful, safe life. They also work to prosecute traffickers and others involved in the exploitation, as well as supporting better education for all children in Nepal. In Nadim's words:

 Child Rescue Nepal allowed me to come over and see with my own eyes what their work is all about, on multiple occasions! I will never forget the kindness of their workers and the strength of the children. They are a first-class charity.

This newsletter brings a hard year to a close. May you and yours be safe and healthy in the year to come,
