New teacher and Employee of the Month

By Di on February 24 2020

New format for TEF news

We have decided to publish the news biweekly to reduce the amount of information in each edition. The beginning of the month will include updates on the technical side of things (new courses and site improvements, etc.), and the end of the month edition will focus on new teachers and the Employee of the Month award.

New teacher: Simon

Please welcome Simon, an experienced English language instructor from the U.K. who now lives in Japan with his family. Before becoming a teacher, Simon worked in the accounting and financial fields, including a year with BMW Japan. We're happy to have him on board!

Employee of the Month: Tina

February's Employee of the Month is Tina, a dedicated teacher with extensive knowledge and experience in English language testing. She is a big help to those of us on the TEF team who want to learn more about common English proficiency tests like the IELTS and Cambridge English exams. Tina's award money has been donated to support coronavirus vaccine and treatment efforts through the World Health Organization.