New courses, and Nadim supports children at risk in Nepal

By Di on April 19 2021

Greetings! As the seasons change, we continue to grow here at the Farm. We have two new courses on offer: an advanced level of pronunciation, and an orientation course for new students.

New courses

  • Pronunciation in Use Advanced—this book goes beyond the Intermediate level to study pronunciation and stress in more advanced vocabulary, with different global accents, and for different contexts (conversational, formal).
  • Orientation course (2nd ed)—the new and improved version of our in-house Orientation course is coming soon! (We will continue to use the 1st edition until the refinements are completed.) The course shows you how to do your best as a language learner, both in and outside of lessons. You're also introduced to a variety of our other courses in the process.

Employee of the Month: Nadim

Nadim has done so much in the past few weeks that we are once again awarding him the Employee of the Month title! We especially appreciate all the work he has done to organize our new-teacher training. It's now a streamlined project, on-boarding new teachers in an efficient and highly effective way. He has also trained many of the new teachers himself, and trained others in how to train the new teachers. So he's not only a teacher-trainer, but also a teacher-trainer-trainer!

Nadim has again chosen Child Rescue Nepal as the recipient of his prize money. In his words,

Child Rescue Nepal allowed me to come over and see with my own eyes what their work is all about, on multiple occasions! I will never forget the kindness of their workers and the strength of the children. They are a first-class charity.

We can never thank you enough, Nadim! You continue to help make the English Farm bigger and even better than before.

Stay safe,
