Need your writing checked?

By Yumi on March 25 2019

Hi everyone,

As many of you already know, The English Farm has a homework checking service for anyone using our services—for every lesson you take, you can send in homework up to 1000 characters long. 

But did you know we also have a sister site—a writing correction service called Poligo? Some of our teachers are active there as checkers, and some of our students at The English Farm use it when they need longer writing checked or they want to practice more writing.

It is a very reasonably priced service with solid quality, and now, all packages are 20% off... forever! This is to make it more affordable for everyone so students can take frequent action and consistently get feedback on their writing from good teachers... two crucial ingredients for anyone who wants to improve. So if you are interested in working on your writing skills, try Poligo now!

Use the coupon code TEF at checkout to get an extra 10% off! This discount has no limitations: you can use it as many times as you like forever.

Happy writing,