Learn English for good

By Matthew on July 8 2019

Hi everyone,

The English Farm is devoted to doing good things. I wanted to share what TEF does for our local communities and the planet.

Carbon neutral

We have been certified carbon neutral since April 1st 2018 by Ekos of New Zealand.

The English Farm offsets all carbon emissions for the entire staff (teachers, support staff and management). We also offset carbon emissions resulting from students taking lessons (by estimating carbon emissions from the electricity consumed when taking a class). 

In fact, we have intentionally over-estimated our carbon footprint, and so The English Farm is effectively a tree—we are locking up more carbon than we produce.

Every time you take a lesson with us, know that you are doing a little bit to reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change.


Every year, we give scholarships for English lessons to up to 12 students through HLAB, who selects promising university students in Japan who want to work for international companies. The English Farm helps bright young people get the best start to their careers.

TEF supporting the community

Every month, The English Farm chooses an employee of the month. As part of the recognition for their efforts, the staff member nominates a charity that is important to them and their community. Then we make a donation on their behalf. To date, we have donated more than USD4,500 to charities and causes around the world.

Socially responsible business

Whenever possible, The English Farm uses socially responsible businesses, like Thankyou Payroll

By taking lessons with us, you help us support local and global causes to make the world better.

We really appreciate the chance to be able to contribute in this way.

Thank you,