Kevin gives his support to dementia research

By Yumi on January 28 2019

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re having a great start to the new year!

We are starting off our year’s Employee of the Month award* by acknowledging someone who has seen and helped The English Farm grow for quite a while now… Kevin! First and foremost, his extensive knowledge in grammar and easy-to-understand lessons keep many students coming back for more. Kevin was one of the first teachers to consistently write blogs for the site (and is the creator of the G.B.C. sample answers series). On top of that, he co-created the Transitions Course and is currently working on other valuable content for our site.

Deeply loyal and the kind of person who will go out of his way to help the people he cares for, Kevin has shown us consistent support and has been a positive presence both during and outside of work. He is always willing to share his knowledge, listen to others, take decisive action when necessary, and lift our spirits with his jokes in teacher workshops and group chat rooms. Kevin has always been one of the teachers giving a warm welcome and offering a helping hand to anyone who needed it. Last, but not least, some of our other awesome teachers are members of The English Farm family thanks to him because he introduced them to us.

Kevin has chosen to donate to Dementia UK.

From Kevin:

I’ve chosen to donate to Dementia UK because I witnessed the ravages of this ignoble condition at first-hand. My father was diagnosed with the disease in 2004 and finally succumbed to it in 2016. He was an alert, energetic, highly practical, and extremely funny man and it was heartbreaking to see him progressively reduced to a state where he could no longer communicate or do anything to help himself. As more people are living longer, dementia is becoming more common in the population as a whole. Therefore, I am extremely gratified to make my donation to help in the fight to find relief for dementia sufferers.

Thank you for being a part of our team, Kevin! And thank you for supporting Dementia UK!

Warm regards,

*Note: For those of you who are newer to The English Farm, our Employee of the Month award goes to the teacher or staff member who consistently goes above and beyond. The winner of the award chooses a charity that The English Farm donates to on their behalf.