James helps communities become self-sufficient

By Yumi on February 28 2019

Hi everyone,

Our Employee of the Month award* for February goes to a teacher who has been working at The English Farm for quite a while and has consistently shown an incredibly high level of quality in his work… James!

James has always been a teacher who gets amazing feedback from many of our students. He has won the trust of both his students and colleagues with his impeccable lesson records, thorough explanations, and calm and collected nature. He also has an incredible way of expressing his opinions clearly, but tactfully. Like many of our awesome teachers, he is an active participant of our internal group chat room where he willingly gives advice and adds to the friendly atmosphere we have there. If you've never had a lesson with James, you can get an idea of what and how he might teach you by reading blog posts he has written such as "Examiners are stupid, blind, and forgetful" (a must-read for all G.B.C. test takers) and "How to email well". 

James has chosen to donate to The Common Unity Project Aotearoa.

From James:

I’m choosing to donate to The Common Unity Project Aotearoa, a community enterprise based in Wellington, New Zealand. I chose them because they seek to instil the values of community and sustainability in children and adults by involving them in vegetable farming, cooking, and the creation of recycled arts and crafts—the products of which are sold or used to feed the community. In a consumerist world, what better way to create a more sustainable future than by educating communities to look after themselves and the environment around them?

Thank you for setting such a great example for us, James. And thank you for supporting The Common Unity Project Aotearoa!

Warm regards,

*Note: For those of you who are newer to The English Farm, our Employee of the Month award goes to the teacher or staff member who consistently goes above and beyond. The winner of the award chooses a charity that The English Farm donates to on their behalf.