Golden Week sale and new prices from June

By Matthew on April 26 2024

Points are on sale from today until May 12th. Grab some points and get 10% off. Use the code GW2024 to celebrate Golden Week in our annual spring sale.

Unfortunately, the Japanese yen has continued to weaken. It is down by about 7-8% in the last year. As a result, we have to increase prices in JPY by a similar amount. Prices will go up on June 1st, so take advantage of the sale now!

Lesson package Price per lesson Total price
5 lessons ¥3,750 ¥18,750
10 lessons ¥3,650 ¥36,500
20 lessons ¥3,350 ¥71,000
50 lessons ¥3,250 ¥162,500
7-day intensive ¥2,950 ¥29,500
30-day intensive ¥2,700 ¥81,000
Prices do not include sales tax; starting June 1st, 2024.


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Happy Holidays and all the very best,
The English Farm Team