Di contributes to making communities more inclusive

By Yumi on March 19 2019

Hello everyone, 

The Employee of the Month award* for March goes to someone who plays a huge role at The English Farm and has an impressive list of contributions here... Di!

Di is a very passionate teacher who not only does a lot for her students, but also takes the initiative to actively share great teaching resources, insights, and fun pictures with her peers. Teaching pronunciation is her forte, so if you are focused on learning American-style pronunciation, you definitely want to try a lesson with Di. One thing you may not know about her is that she does a lot of work behind the scenes as well. For instance, she copy edits a lot of our blog posts and is involved in many other internal projects. Recently, The English Farm has started introducing idioms such as "cut a deal" on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, and Di was the teacher who helped us get the ball rolling. She has written a countless number of discussion posts and has written blog posts like "Vocabulary for formal meetings" and "Know if you are borED or borING". We are really lucky to have a team player like her with us!

Di has chosen to donate to L’Arche Ottawa.

From Di:

I’m donating my award money to L’Arche Ottawa. The L’Arche philosophy is that people with learning disabilities have a great deal to contribute to society. And by living in an intentional community of diverse people with and without learning disabilities, we all open ourselves up to be challenged and grow. L’Arche Ottawa is a small, vibrant community of joy that my husband and I volunteer with. They’ll be deeply grateful for the donation!

Thank you for taking such an active role at The English Farm, Di. And thank you for supporting L’Arche Ottawa!

Warm regards,

*Note: For those of you who are newer to The English Farm, our Employee of the Month award goes to the teacher or staff member who consistently goes above and beyond. The winner of the award chooses a charity that The English Farm donates to on their behalf.