Business as usual; and Helen supports neurological research

By Di on March 30 2020

Business as usual

As we all know, COVID-19 is spreading quickly and has now become a global pandemic. Many people have been asked to stay home, disrupting their work. However, as The English Farm is an online service, all of our employees already work from home. So it's business as usual here at TEF—there will be no interruption in our service to you.

Employee of the Month: Helen

Helen will have been teaching with TEF for three years as of May 2020. She is an excellent teacher as well as careful record-keeper, writing detailed lesson records and keeping student profiles up-to-date. She also makes written homework assignments an integral part of her lessons, encouraging her students to practice their writing as well as speaking skills. Thank you, Helen, for making TEF a great place to learn!

Helen has chosen to donate her prize money to the Montreal Neurological Institute.

My father was treated there for what they called Parkinson’s Plus. Neurological diseases are insidious, and I saw firsthand in the waiting room how cruelly it can affect lives.

Be safe,
