Bret saves lives before going on leave

By Yumi on December 24 2018

Hello everyone,

December’s Employee of the Month award goes to someone who is fairly new to The English Farm, but still undeniably deserves this award… Bret!

For those of you who are newer to The English Farm, our Employee of the Month award goes to the teacher or staff member who consistently goes above and beyond. The winner of the award chooses a charity that The English Farm donates to on their behalf.

Bret has been with us for about 7 months now, and within that time, he has already made a huge impact on his students and fellow teachers. And no wonder he has so many fans booking his lessons! He has an impressively vast amount of resources which he is always so willing to share with both students and teachers. One of the things that makes us proud of our team at The English Farm is that they are so open and collaborative to help you—our students. Bret is certainly one of the leaders when it comes to this. He is also full of great ideas and contributions for the site and our service that continue to improve The English Farm. Last, but not least, Bret is the kind of guy who is decisive, takes action when necessary, but is also willing to give space for others to contribute and participate in training workshops and other areas. We have been really lucky to have such a solid guy working with us!

Sadly for us, Bret will be taking a leave from The English Farm in 2019 for personal reasons. We sincerely apologize on his behalf to all of his students that were affected by this. If you would like any help finding another teacher, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Bret has chosen to donate to Mercy Ships—a global charity that has operated hospital ships in developing nations since 1978.

Thanks so much for all you’ve done for us, Bret. We hope you come back soon, and thank you for supporting Mercy Ships!

Warm regards,
