Betty saves the La Palma cats!

By Yumi on October 15 2018

Hello everyone,

I am very excited to announce our very first Employee of the Month award!

We really appreciate the work everyone does at The English Farm, especially when teachers and staff go the extra mile to help students and deliver excellent service. We’d like to acknowledge that our people consistently go above and beyond—in essence, they are the fertilizer that helps The English Farm grow.

In addition, we thought it might be a fun way to share and support the causes that our teachers and staff care about: the winner of the award will get to choose a charity, and The English Farm will make a donation on their behalf.

Our very first award goes to Betty for the way she looks out for her students’ best interests and comes to us with solutions for problems her students have. It makes us happy to know how committed our teachers are to quality service, and we love seeing them take initiative by suggesting solutions that help our students grow their English! As a veteran teacher at The English Farm, Betty proactively helps her fellow teachers by answering questions and offering advice. She’s always rock solid and reliable.

Betty has chosen to donate to La Palma Cats, a group of locals who go around rounding up stray and abandoned cats/kittens to neuter and treat them for parasites.

Thanks so much for being such a good, conscientious team player, Betty! And thank you for supporting La Palma Cats!

Warm regards,
