Meet our three new teachers

By Matthew on March 20 2017

Hi everyone,

We have had three wonderful new teachers start with The English Farm recently. I'd like to introduce you to them. Please take a moment to read their profiles. When you get a chance, reserve a lesson with each new teacher. You'll learn new and interesting things from them, and it will give you more choices and flexibility in your schedule.


Chris has a Master's degree in psychology. He's working towards a PhD. Chris really loves language and the way our brains work. Take a look at Chris' profile to learn more about him.

You can read Chris' first blog post on the English farm here: Language: More than meets the eye? It's about language and how that can change our perceptions.

If you are interested in psychology and want to meet Chris, reserve a lesson with him now!


If you are looking for a really experienced teacher who knows a lot about Japan, then you should try a lesson with Melanie. Melanie has been to Japan three times, and has taught English in New Zealand. She is now studying to be a translator.

Take a look at Melanie's profile and reserve a lesson with her.


Sara is someone who understands advertising and sales. She's also an experienced, qualified English teacher. She lives in Japan with her family and has lots of experience teaching English to Japanese people and at a Japanese univeristy.

Learn more about her by reading Sara's full profile and reserve a lesson with her.


We have some more amazing teachers going through training now, and they will start to teach soon!

Best regards,