Matthew on paternity leave

Hi, I am sorry for my sudden disappearance. My son was born suddenly on the 22nd of February. He was about 3 weeks early. I'll be back at work from the 6th of March, but on a reduced schedule.


Kaori's picture

Teacher Matthew,

Congratulations on your new baby boy!! I'm very happy for you. I saw the email that both your wife and your baby are healthy. That is great! I wish the best of everything to your family!

Best regards,


Matthew's picture

Hi Kaori,

Thanks so much for this message. Weirdly, I did not get a notification of your comment. There must be a bug in the system. I'll look into it.

Mother and baby are both doing fine, and my older boy is very happy to meet his new brother.

I hope your preparations for your new job next month are going well!


Matthew's picture

I think I found the source of the issue (see my comment above). You won't have got a notification of my reply before (from above), but you should have gotten a message now!

Thanks for helping me find this bug.
