Changing the role of the police

By The English Farm on 6月 29 2023
Black Lives Matter Protest, Seattle WA

As the Black Lives Matter movement continues to advocate for change, one of the many calls has been to redefine the role of the police in the U.S. Excessive use of force by officers has sparked criticism, leading to calls for alternative methods. Several proposals have started to emerge and be implemented in response.

Most of these alternatives are focused on ways to restructure public safety by reducing the scope of situations in which the police are automatically in charge. One suggestion is to train specialized nonviolent officers to handle nonviolent issues, such as conflicts on the road. Unarmed traffic police officers could receive conflict resolution training to address these situations. By emphasizing peaceful resolutions, encounters can be de-escalated.

Another idea is to involve mental health workers in responding to mental health concerns within the community. Dispatching trained professionals to incidents involving individuals in crisis can prioritize understanding and support, reducing the likelihood of confrontations. Additionally, exploring community mediators has gained traction. An example of this is CAHOOTS. They specialize in facilitating dialogue and resolving disputes within the local community, fostering harmony and mutual understanding.

Teaching notes

This could be a touchy topic, so be sensitive. 

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This article mentions a few ideas for police reform—what are they?
What's your relationship with police—have your interactions been positive, negative or neutral?
What's the ideal role of the police?
In your opinion, what can be done to ensure the police play their role in society?