Transitions 10 復習 3

Someone connecting two pieces of a puzzle



As mentioned earlier, this course uses spaced review, meaning you don't review what you just learned. Rather, you review what you learned a few lessons ago.

Warm Up

Without looking back in your notes, try to remember a few phrases from units 6 and 8 in this course.

  • Unit 6  was about describing results.
  • Unit 8 was about monitoring yourself and the person you are speaking with.

If you need help, your instructor can guide you.

Make sure to select the phrases you want to use, then keep practicing them until you are absolutely confident.

It is not necessary for students to remember all the points in each unit, but they should remember at least two or three. 

Everyone has words and phrases they enjoy using. Make sure your student's favorite phrases are not just things they learned in high school, but are sophisticated phrases that leave a good impression. 

It is recommended to choose only a few phrases in total to add to the student's active vocabulary. Practicing a few phrases many times will ensure they can use the phrases under pressure. 

Transitions 6 Describing results

  1. As a result... — Because of what I have just mentioned​...
  2. For this reason... — Because of what I have just mentioned... 
  3. In consequence... — As a result...
  4. Hence... — For the reason I just mentioned... 
  5. Given these circumstances... — Because of the circumstances I previously described... 
  6. Accordingly... — For this reason... 

Transitions 8 Monitoring yourself and others 

This is a somewhat different lesson than the others because it requires students to think about what the other person is hearing, not only what they are saying. It can take some time for students to do this well and many will forget. 

  1. I’m not sure if I’m able to put this right... — I may make a mistake in nuance in what I'm going to say. 
  2. What I meant to say is... — I made a mistake in meaning or nuance, so let me correct it. 
  3. This is quite complex/a bit complex... — Used to introduce a complex topic, it prepares the listener to pay close attention. 
  4. Do you have any questions (at this point/so far)? — Formal, used in a presentation to check for questions.
  5. Do you follow me? [formal, from a higher position]/Are you with me? [spoken English, casual and friendly] — Used to check understanding through a complex set of directions or logic.
  6. Let me know if there's anything I need to reiterate/go over again. — Used at the beginning, middle or end of a complex line of thought.

The above phrases were presented to the student in the lesson. If they would like more phrases, you can introduce and practice the following:

  1. So far, so good? [casual and friendly]
  2. Does that make sense to you? [spoken English, used with coworkers and friends]

Choose a few phrases from units 6 and 8 and practice those phrases.

Your instructor has some questions for you.