G.B.C. コース・トライアルレッスンです。 G.B.C. コース最初のレッスンで、一般的なインタビュースタイルのテストです。何のためのテストなのか、について学習します。インタビュースタイルのテストの目的を理解することで、このテストでみんなが陥る最大の失敗を回避しましょう。
Start by discussing the G.B.C. test with your teacher. Have you done the test before? How do you feel in the test? How do you think you can improve?
Warm Up
Your teacher has a few questions for you. Answer them as you would in the G.B.C. test.
Let's talk about your answers from the warm-up. Your teacher will help you develop your answers. That way, you can maximize your chances of a higher test score.
Now let's take what you have learned and practice with a few more G.B.C.-style questions.