英語スピーキング・発音 上級

The English Farm | Pronunciation in Use Advanced course


  • 英語におけるアクセント
  • 強調
  • コミュニケーションの取り方
  • 会話の導き方
  • フォーマルな場面での発音




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Time to complete

30 hours / 60 classes
40 hours / 80 classes

Lessons 1-4 can be breezed over, skipped, or done for homework. They introduce study strategies without applying actual content and they are full of dead website links. 

Lessons 5 and 6 have useful information about fast speech.

From lesson 7, the actual pronunciation instruction starts. 

Intermediate vs. Advanced   

Do Intermediate first. 

Pronunciation In Use Intermediate is challenging. Even advanced speakers will find elements difficult. Intermediate lessons typically offer general rules that are broadly useful.

Pronunciation In Use Advanced builds on the general concepts of the Intermediate book, but this Advanced one typically offers specific cases. The Advanced book also has metalanguage and jargon that can obscure a relatively simple concept. 

How to teach this book to Japanese speakers of English 

You can use this TFCS pronunciation webpage as a guide. Send it to the student if you feel they would benefit from it.

  • Japanese has almost no consonant clusters—so lessons 7–9 are very important, as is E2 (pp.132–135).
  • Intonation is often subtle in Japanese. Spend time modelling English tone. You may have to say, "No, more. Bigger. Higher. Lower." 
  • The Clear Speech trial lesson covers unstressed syllables (schwa, et.al.) better than Pronunciation In Use.
  • Pay special attention to hard word endings, words that end in consonants ("but" rather than "butu", "beer" rather than "beeru"). Japanese doesn't have consonant endings.

The "In Use" series

Books in the "In Use" series all follow the same structure. They are divided into units grouped by topic. Each unit consists of a page of explanation and a page of exercises. They are designed for self-study, but can be used in a classroom setting, too. They are very easy to teach from. The explanation covers everything you need, and the exercises are simple with answers provided.

  1. Work through the explanations together with your student, making sure that they understand and answering any questions they may have.
  2. Do the exercises together.
  3. Set homework each class based on the material covered.

Teaching strategies

When you teach pronunciation, make sure you do some or all of the following:

  • Give plenty of examples.
    • Repeat 4 times, 10 times. Do the reps (as with any physical exercise).
    • Go back and forth. You say it, they say it, you say it again, they say it again.
  • Be strict—keep hacking away at errors over time.
    • Fluency isn't achieved in one lesson. Keep working on key problems.
  • Assign homework. 
  • Train the student's ear.
    • Help them hear their own speech and critically evaluate their accuracy for themselves.
  • Talk a bit about spelling, reading and reading strategies.
    • Have the student read aloud. 

Note: You'll find answers to the exercises in a separate attached file (and at the end of the book).