オリエンテーション 初級から初中級 2:スタディプラン




This should be review for your student. The goal is to show them that they learned something new and that they’re a lot more confident than when they began.

Warm Up

すべてのスキル(リーディング、スピーキング、リスニング、ライティング、文法、発音、語彙)を学びたい方は、Business ResultEnglish File といったコースがお勧めです。


Take some time to show them these courses. The best way is to help find the sample pages on each course page (links below), or you can share your screen. Business Result focuses on business-related English, while the English File and Speakout courses focus on general, everyday English.

Course page links (up to the intermediate level, since this course is for elementary students):


下記ABC の質問に英語で答えてください。

A. In English, what are your strong points? What are your weak points? Is it grammar? Pronunciation? Vocabulary? Reading? Listening? Speaking? Writing?


B. Review with your teacher: What are your goals? 

C. What course do you think would help you reach your goal? 

If you choose a course with a textbook after trying out the sample pages, your teacher will order the book for you. You will get an email with all the information you need.

A. This should help you gauge your student’s confidence in each section. On their profile page, you should be able to fill out the “leaves” for each skill, if it hasn’t been done already. If it’s already been filled out, make changes if necessary. 

B. This should help solidify SMART immediate and long-term goals on their profile, if it hasn’t been filled in already. Refine it, if necessary.
*The student's last teacher should have filled out a skills assessment with the student's goals at this point. Look there to start the conversation, if your student is not forthcoming with their answers.

C. Choose a course with the student after listening to their needs. Generally speaking,

  • if a student wants to focus on one or two things, a specific textbook like Clear Speech or Grammar in Use (which were introduced in unit 2) would be good. Pronunciation in Use or Oxford Grammar would be good for intermediate-to-advanced students.
  • if a student wants to work on all skills, a book like Business Result or the English File would be best.

Don’t forget to place an order for a textbook if need be! 


学習計画を立てましょう。下記AB の質問に英語で答えてください。そして C については心に留めておきましょう。

A. How will you study? 

B. How will learning English change your life? 

C. Remember, practice makes perfect! The more you use English, the more confident you’ll get! Don’t forget to do your homework! 