
日常生活でも G.B.C.テストの質問も、大抵が複雑です。このレッスンで、傾向と対策を学びましょう。


In our world, we have two types of questions: closed questions and open questions. Can you think of an example for each?


Closed questions have yes-no answers. For example:

  1. Do you like ice cream?
  2. Are you happy at your workplace?
  3. Does your client appreciate your work?
  4. Is your company in Tokyo? 

Open questions have complex answers and start with the 5W1H we discussed in the previous lesson. For example:

  1. What is your job?
  2. When did you start working?
  3. Where did you go to university?
  4. How was your weekend? 
  5. Why is taking care of the environment important? 
Warm Up

Here are some examples of answers. Which ones are answers to open questions? Which ones are answers to closed questions? 

  1. Yes, I think 4-day work weeks are effective because they allow people to better plan out their time and work more efficiently.
  2. Our clients think you're the best consultant they've ever worked with. Thanks for taking such good care of them. 
  3. The environment should be taken care of because humans need a healthy environment to survive. 
  4. It was great - we went to go see the cherry blossoms at the park.
  5. No, I don't have time this week because I have three reports and a presentation to work on. 

You can have your students come up with the questions that correspond with each answer. However, question examples are below: 
1. Do you think 4-day work weeks are effective? - closed 
2. What feedback has the client given? - open 
3. What do you think about caring for the environment? - open 
4. How was your weekend? - open 
5. Do you have time this week? - closed 


In the last lesson, we discussed how answers should have 5W1H components. Look at the following: 

  • Yes-No question → Say yes or no. Then follow up with a reason.
    • Do you like your job? Yes. It challenges me because I can work with various stakeholders and brainstorm ways to solve their problems every day. 
  • Open questions → Give an answer or strong opinion. Then say why using the 5W1H.
    • How do you commute? I work full-time from home, so I don’t commute to the office at all.
    • What do you plan to do after retirement? I’m thinking of living in Florida. It’s warm and sunny, close to the beach, and it also has the infrastructure for retired, elderly people. I’m looking forward to a calm, happy life with no drama. 

Please explain to the student that this is the most basic level of answering GBC questions. Tell them to respond first by giving an opinion that they can stick to! Remind them that the answer does not have to be true - the examiner is looking for their linguistic fluidity, not judging their opinions. If you want to offer more support, tell students to answer the question, then follow it up with one more sentence


Your teacher will ask you a list of questions. Respond appropriately, based on whether it is an open or closed question.

  1. Do you have any hobbies? 
  2. Do you think work-life balance is important? 
  3. How do you commute to your workplace? 
  4. Has your hometown changed in the last 10 years? 
  5. Is Japan a good place to live?