GCAS 27 復習(問題解決)

Two women going down a spiral staircase

Circle back to your GCAS strategies



In the last four lessons, you learned strategies to do well on Part 3 in the GCAS. This lesson will help you use the strategies.

Review is important. But as adults, we think we can master things quickly. We want to cut to the chase. However, there are things in life that simply take time and practice to master. This is one of them.

It's not enough to understand these strategies. It's not enough to do them when you are focusing on them. You must be able to execute these strategies smoothly, naturally and almost effortlessly.

Warm Up
  1. How should you prepare? Should you carefully read everything on the sheet?
  2. Can you change this to a strong opinion?
    "We could have more English training."
  3. Can you play devil's advocate to this phrase?
    "Convenience store coffee is better than Starbucks coffee." 
  4. Can you change this phrase to be more inclusive, rather than aggressive?
    "Don't you remember what I said?" 

Let your student supply as much of this as possible. 

GCAS 23: Active preparation—how to gather information and make an argument.
GCAS 24: Strong opinions—language and intonation to give strong opinions.
GCAS 25: How to disagree—how to play devil's advocate and disagree openly.
GCAS 26: Responding politely—how to respond politely through hedging and staying on the same team.

  1. How should you prepare?
    What do you remember about selecting and skimming for relevant information?
    • Choose 2 themes you like and get the gist of the main ideas by focusing on keywords
    • Also, start making your argument. For argumentation, check the language section of GCAS 23
  2. How can you give a strong opinion?
    • Language: Use adverbs like definitely/absolutely/totally/really; verbs like I'm sure, we have to, we must; adjectives like imperative, important, etc. 
      • "We need more English training."
    • Stress: tone (higher, lower), length (longer, shorter), volume (louder, quieter).
      • Use rise-fall tone.
  3. Can you play devil's advocate to this phrase?
    "Convenience store coffee is better than Starbucks coffee." 
    • Have your student disagree and argue that Starbucks coffee is better than convenience store coffee. Pay attention to the language they use and note it for further 
  4. Can you change this phrase to be more inclusive, rather than aggressive?
    "Don't you remember what I said?"
    (Problems: "you" and "I" show we are on different teams; "remember" is too direct a verb.)
    • Let's go back to what I mentioned earlier. 
    • I believe we talked about that a few moments ago.

Your teacher will give you a GCAS Part 3 style question. Follow their instructions. 

When you finish this practice section, you may wish to continue to GCAS Mock Tests for more review.