GCAS 16 復習1

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Recycle your GCAS strategies



In the last five lessons, you learned strategies to do well on Part 1 in the GCAS test. This lesson will help you use the strategies.

Review is important. But as adults, we think we can master things quickly. We want to cut to the chase. However, there are things in life that simply take time and practice to master. This is one of them.

It's not enough to understand these strategies. It's not enough to do them when you are focusing on them. You must be able to execute these strategies smoothly, naturally and almost effortlessly.

Warm Up
  1. What do you remember about greetings and introductions? 
  2. What are some phrases we use to agree with an opinion? What about to disagree? 
  3. What do you remember about telling stories? 
  4. What do you remember about using facts? When do we use them? 

Let your student supply as much of this as possible. 

GCAS 11 Elevator pitch (Greetings and introductions)

  1. Start strong.
  2. Talk about your career.
  3. Talk about your mission statement (goals and values).

GCAS 12 Agreeing

  1. Strong: "I completely agree..."
  2. Neutral: "I partially agree..."
  3. Weak: "I suppose so..."

GCAS 13 Disagreeing

  1. Strong: "I strongly disagree..."
  2. Weak: "I'm not sure I agree with you on..."
  3. Indirect: "I see what you're saying, but..."

GCAS 14 Anecdotes

  1. Use adjectives and details.
  2. Use strong intonation for endings.

GCAS 15 Facts

  1. The difference between amateur (no facts or expertise) and professional (facts, context, expertise) opinions.
  2. Simple and complex facts.
  3. Phrases to introduce facts. (e.g., Research has shown.../Actually,...) 

Now practice giving strong answers to common speaking test-style questions.