Consulting 2.4 ミーティングの設定:カジュアル / フォーマルな会議スケジューリングのレビュー


Warm Up

With your teacher's help, recall some key phrases to: 

  1. make a casual invitation
  2. make a formal invitation
  3. accept an invitation 
  4. decline an invitation 

The goal here is for your student to quickly come up with a variety of phrases. 

One focus of the last 3 lessons is natural verb choice for invitations. Make sure your student is using at least one (if not all) of the following: 

  • work—Does 3 PM work
  • be around—Would you be around in the evening?
  • good for—Is Tuesday good for you?
  • can doCan you do 11 AM? Sure, I can do 11.
  1. -How about next Wednesday? 
    -What time's best for you? 
    -Does 1:30 work? 

  2. -When would you be free next? 
    -Would [day/time] work for you? 
    -I'd be available in the early morning on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday. Do any of those work for you?

  3. -Okay, I can make it then. 
    -Sure, Tuesday at 9 AM sounds good.
    -All right, Tuesday at 9 it is. I'm looking forward to it.

  4. -Sorry, I can't make it. I'm flat out at the moment.
    -Oh, I wish I could, but I've got a client meeting. Let me know next time. 
    -[Lead the other person to say no for you] Actually, I'm right in the middle of some analysis. I can put this aside if it's an emergency. I would have to go back and start at the beginning, but I'm happy to do that if necessary. 


1. Look at your schedule and think of a meeting that can be set up. Then, follow the structure below. 

Person A—States the purpose of the next meeting.
Person B—Responds positively.
Person A—Suggests a date and time.
Person B—Politely declines with a reason, and suggests an alternative time. 
Person A —Responds tentatively, offering a couple of times.
Person B —Selects a time. 
Person A —Confirms and says a friendly good-bye. 
Person B —Says a friendly good-bye.

2. Examine the following situations. What would you do?

Situation 1: Your colleague has invited you out after work, but you might have to work late. Use details from your experience, explain the situation, and accept on the condition that you don't have to work late.

Situation 2: You are waiting on some sales reports from the client. Your team leader wants to set up a short meeting to go over the findings from the analysis based on the reports. 

Situation 3: Your principal wants to have a very late meeting tonight. However, your work has been going well and you are planning to finish before dinnertime.  

Situation 4: Your client company's COO is really friendly and loves golf. He's just sent you this email: 

Hello [name], a spot just opened up in our golf game this Sunday. The tee-off is at 6:30 AM, not far from the city. Would you care to join us? Let me know ASAP. 

However, you have plans to work on the project on Sunday to prepare for a Monday presentation. Your project leader is expecting you at work. What would you do?