"Overwork" は 「過労」で、 "Overtime" は 「残業」です。
残業は仕方ないですが深夜残業や休日出勤まで、そんな状態が "overwork" です。長く続くと「過労死」になりかねません。日本語の「過労死」は海外でも結構有名です。"death from overwork". かつて働いていた会社で、本社のアメリカ人の同僚から"I don't want to work in Japan. I don't wanna die of KAROSHI"と冗談を言われた事があります。
- "I'd like to come for a drink, but I have to do a bit of overtime tonight."
- "I've been doing a lot of overtime lately."
- "If you want to impress the boss, you will have to put in some overtime."
- "I heard he overworked himself and now he's had a heart attack."
- "Don't overwork the staff or they will quit."
Bonus point: Many times we say people in important jobs (like police, doctors or firefighters) are overworked and underpaid.