英国の EU 離脱を専門家のように英語で議論する

Big Ben at night with long-exposure headlights
London is no longer within the EU

先日、英国は国民投票を行い、EUを離脱する決定をしました。この決定は、英語で "Britain" と "Exit" を結び付けて、"Brexit"(ブリグジット) と呼ばれています。特に、世界のマーケットがこの新しい状況に適応していくとともに、世界の未来にとって、大きなニュースになっています。このことについて、英語で議論してみませんか?議論の際に使える単語、言葉、表現をご紹介します。

Britain and Wales voted marginally in favor of leaving, while Scotland heavily backed staying in the EU. World opinion overwhelmingly opposes the move.

Here are some adverbs used to describe support (from weak to strong):

  • narrowly < marginally < strongly/heavily < overwhelmingly
  Subject Adverb Verb Complement

The people narrowly voted in favor of the new policy.
marginally a change in the law.
Politicians strongly/heavily against leaving the EU.
overwhelmingly a tax increase.

Currency markets around the world have been volatile, and the price of gold has been especially turbulent.

Here are some words to describe the markets arranged from strongest to weakest. Markets are:

  •  unstable < unpredictable < erratic < volatile < turbulent

Some very strong language is also used in situations like this. Various blogs and news reports have said markets are going crazy, freaking out or flipping out.

Global currency has been effected too, we can say the pound plummeted, dropped, tanked or took a nose-dive. On the other hand the value of the Japanese yen has soared, skyrocketed or increased dramatically.

Using these words and phrases, you'll sound a lot more natural when you are discussing world markets and the Brexit.