
Site upgrade September 23rd - 25th

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Pet your stress away

Life can be stressful. The list of responsibilities seems endless as work, children, bills and so many other things demand our constant attention. As a result, it's very easy to get lost in the jungle of a long to-do-list and end up burning out. Fortunately, studies show that pets are a good source of comfort and stress relief. 

According to Jenna Stregowski, an expert in the field, pets can improve one's mood, reduce blood pressure and provide social support, among other benefits. For those who don't really like to exercise or just need some motivation, having a pet will give you a reason to exercise. Dogs, for example, have to walk regularly. This means dog owners can exercise while walking their pets, thereby promoting stress management.

Exam stress: adults and children

Many children feel stressed when they need to take exams. But exam anxiety can affect everyone, from children to adults. It can even damage the mental health of students who receive very high marks. It can also negatively affect students who are less successful, for example, children with special needs and children who are anxious in general. Sometimes children are worried because their parents set goals that are too high for them.

The Harvard Center for the Developing Child says that some amount of stress can be good for children’s development. It helps them to learn how to cope with difficult situations. But it is important for parents to remember that children are still only learning how to deal with stress. Too much stress can be very negative. 

Scientists say that a child learns how to manage stressful situations quicker and better if there is a lot of support from parents or other adults.