Recycling food waste in Japan

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It was Koichi Takahashi's dream to create a sustainable society through recycling and regeneration. His dream came true when he built a company that turns food waste into high-quality pig feed. In his company, Japan Food Ecology Center, Takahashi made use of the popular Japanese practice, "fermentation".

When Takahashi started, the pigs were growing slowly and they had too much fat, but "after a series of failures", Takahashi and a team of experts found the right nutrition content for the pigs. As a result of Takahashi's determination, he now supplies many farms like Azumino Eco Farm with "ecofeed" and the farms supply "eco-pork" to restaurants, supermarkets and department stores around Japan.

Farmers benefit a lot from ecofeed because it's cheaper than conventional feed, and according to one review, "it's shockingly tender, with just the right ratio of fat to juicy muscle."

How does recycling food waste benefit the environment in Japan? Do Homework
What role does Japanese culture play in the success of food recycling initiatives? Do Homework
Have you eaten "eco-pork"? Do you agree with the review, "it's shockingly tender, with just the right ratio of fat to juicy muscle." If you're not familiar with "eco-pork", share your thoughts on any sustainably-produced food that you've eaten. Do Homework
Takahashi improved sustainability in the farming and food industry. In which other industries can sustainability be improved? Do Homework
How can other countries be encouraged to recycle food waste? Do Homework