The Enchanted Forest

By Di on February 28 2023
A Candelabra Tree

Hidden on the north coast of California is a stand of very unusual redwood trees. Salty winds off the ocean break the trunks, but the trees keep on growing. New branches grow straight up from the broken trunk. Since the trunk is tipped over on its side, the tree ends up looking like a candelabra. After generations of this cycle, the trees have become twisted into fantastical shapes.

Redwood conservationists say they've never seen anything like it anywhere else. It's become known as the Enchanted Forest. Thankfully, the twisted trunks and branches have saved the trees from being cut down. Lumber companies need tall, straight trunks, so even though the old-growth forests around them have been destroyed by logging, the Enchanted Forest remains.

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Describe the trees in the Enchanted Forest. Why do they look like that?
Have you ever seen any unusual trees or plants? Share your experience with your teacher.
Why do you think people want to save the trees?
How can people be encouraged to save trees?