The GCAS explained


The GCAS tests your ability to speak English in business situations. It is run by the Eiken Foundation in Japan. Many companies use the test to see how well you can present, solve problems, and give your opinion in English. 

The test takes about 15 minutes.


It has three parts. 

The first part is a conversation with the examiner. You should be able to introduce yourself, have small talk, and share your opinions about topics in the workplace. 

The second part is a presentation. You will get one or two graphs and the examiner will ask you to present the information. Talk about what numbers and trends you see. You may also be asked to predict what might happen in the future. Or, you may have to explain why some parts of the graph are important. 

Finally, the third part is a role play. The examiner may be your boss, your manager, a colleague, or a client. You will be asked to talk about a problem and offer a number of solutions. You may also need to say which solution is the best. 


To do well in the GCAS, you need to have a variety of English skills. You need to do the following:

  • understand a native speech;
  • speak smoothly and clearly;
  • respond to questions;
  • give opinions;
  • present information from graphs; and
  • solve a business problem.

The English Farm has resources to help you succeed. If you are taking the GCAS, tell your English Farm teacher. They can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. They will also help you prepare—we recommend the GCAS Strategies course.