No stars for Sukiyabashi Jiro

By Pamela on 1月 13 2020

For many restaurants, receiving a Michelin star (or two, or three) is one of the best ways to gain world-class status in the culinary world. It is also guaranteed to attract international media attention and bring in new business.

Although it is extremely difficult to earn Michelin stars, the Japanese restaurant Sukiyabashi Jiro has earned the maximum three stars every year since 2007. But things are about to change. It was recently announced that the restaurant will be left out of the 2020 Michelin Guide because it no longer accepts public reservations. Since Michelin’s aim is to introduce top-notch restaurants to the general public, Sukiyabashi Jiro no longer falls within their rating criteria.

You might think this would be a great loss for the restaurant, but some believe Sukiyabashi Jiro is too famous to be affected by Michelin’s decision. The restaurant has made headlines on multiple occasions, such as when the former U.S. President, Barack Obama, and the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, dined there together in 2014. It was also showcased in the 2011 documentary, Jiro Dreams Of Sushi. Only time will tell if Michelin's decision has a negative impact on Sukiyabashi Jiro.

Teaching notes

Michelin stars are one of the most highly coveted awards in the culinary world, which is why many fine-dining chefs aspire to earn one, or more, throughout their careers. The Michelin rating system was created in 1900 and is now well respected in the fine-dining world. Restaurants can receive up to three stars; however, it is extremely difficult/rare to receive the third star, which is why it is such an honour. You can read more here:…

Teacher Rating
Have you ever been to a Michelin star restaurant? If so, what was your experience? If you haven't, describe your favorite restaurant and what you like about it.
Do you think Sukiyabashi Jiro will be negatively impacted by the loss of its Michelin star rating?
In your opinion, what makes a restaurant great?