Best April Fool's Day pranks

By Jeremy S on 4月 1 2019

Aril Fools' Day is an annual celebration commemorated on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. Here are three of the best of all time.

April 1, 1957: The respected BBC news show Panorama announced that thanks to a very mild winter and the virtual elimination of the dreaded spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying a huge spaghetti crop. It accompanied this announcement with footage of Swiss peasants pulling strands of spaghetti down from trees. Huge numbers of viewers were taken in. Many called the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree.

April 1, 1996: The Taco Bell Corporation took out a full-page ad that appeared in six major newspapers announcing it had bought the Liberty Bell—a symbol of American independence—and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. Hundreds of outraged citizens called the National Historic Park in Philadelphia where the bell was housed to express their anger. 

April 1, 1992: National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation revealed that disgraced former president Richard Nixon, in a surprise move, was running for president again. His new campaign slogan was, "I didn't do anything wrong, and I won't do it again." Accompanying this announcement were audio clips of Nixon delivering his candidacy speech. Listeners responded viscerally to the announcement, flooding the show with calls expressing shock and outrage.

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Do you think you would you have "fallen" for any of these jokes?
Have you ever experienced any April Fool's jokes?
Many non-Western countries around the world don't celebrate April Fool's Day. Do you think it might become more popular in such countries in the future?