Mastering Communication of Information

The English Farm | Mastering Communication of Information

This course will cover how to become a strong communicator. It will teach you how to deliver strong arguments through logical structure, evidence, and reasoning. It will also teach you how to use transitions effectively. By the end of this course, you will be able to improve your communication of information score of the GBC, and be a better communicator. 

The Mastering Communication of Information course is for helping you to understand what good logic and communication is. You will learn what roles strong arguments and effective transitions play to develop strategies and habits to ensure that you get your point across. It will also give you the skills and ability to improve your communication skills efficiently over time.

This course will help to:

  • understand why you get low communication of information scores on English tests;
  • develop lifelong strategies and habits to continue to improve your English speaking;
  • make clear that anyone can build logical arguments with clear opinions, strong evidence, and well-built reasoning;
  • use transition phrases to be more clear and concise in your speech;
  • learn how to answer speaking test questions through hands-on and repetitive practice; and
  • develop strategies and plans to fix problems with logic, clarity, conciseness, and more!

We recommend that after you complete this course, you move on to a more specialized test preparation course. With dedication and practice, you can master speaking tests and build confidence in communicating ideas with others. Lastly, you will have the tools, skills and habits to conquer clear speech in daily life.

Time to complete

4 hours / 7 classes
7 hours / 14 classes

These Mastery courses allow students to focus on specific areas they are lacking in. Through covering basic linguistic knowledge, language acquisition theory, and study/test preparation skills, these mini-courses start by guiding students to self-diagnose areas they need to work on, and end with ideas in acquiring skills naturally in their everyday life. The courses aim to make students active learners in mastering areas such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, instead of passively memorizing or only taking lessons without independent learning. Encourage your students through their time at The English Farm to use the skills learned in these lessons.