G.B.C. 18 Warming up for your test

In this lesson, we will focus on getting you mentally prepared for your test.


All professional athletes stretch their muscles before a big game. This class will do this for your GBC test. The aim here is to get you into "English Mode" and refresh your mind and mouth in preparation for your test. We will also take you through some breathing exercises to make sure you are relaxed and in peak form to sit your test. The aim of this class in not to learn, but to get you comfortable using your second language and prepare you for the most important part of GBC: sitting the actual test.

This lesson is not for teaching. Check your student's G.B.C. score sheet and see which pronunciation sounds they need work on. Do a tongue twister with these sounds in them.
Ask your student if they are nervous, if the are, take three slow deep breaths with them. This is proven to calm nerves. Do it throughout the class, especially at the end. They may feel stupid, but remind them that nerves will lower their score. Do it with them so they don't feel embarrassed.

Warm Up

Your teacher will do a deep breathing exercise with you. You may feel a little silly, but just remember it is scientifically proven to calm people down.

G.B.C. questions: (this is the bulk of the lesson) Try to format them like a test. Ask the about their hometown and hobbies, then their work, then more complicated theoretical/political/cultural  questions. Don't try and teach, just remind students of things they already know. No new stuff. Also, try to keep it “light” if possible, and don't exhaust them, If they look tired then don't push too hard and ask questions that they already know. It takes a lot of mental energy to speak in another language if you are not good at it.
You last question should be “Why are you learning English” as a reminder of their goal.
Leave at least three minutes before the class ends for tongue twisters, questions and breathing exercises.
Give plenty of encouragement and boost that ego up. Calm confidence is what we are aiming for!


Feeling relaxed? If not, tell your teacher and do the breathing exercise with them again. If you are, it's time for some G.B.C. style questions. We are going to start with a classic: Where is your hometown, and was it a good place to grow up?

Keep feedback to a minimum, and definitely don't teach anything new. If the student is a regular of yours and you know that they are making a mistake and not an error, gently remind them of it.
 Your last question should be "Why are you learning English" to remind them of their goal.


Now you are warmed up, and almost ready! Before you go, let's do some more breathing exercises.