
The G.B.C. test is the toughest interview test you can take. With a combination of good strategy and practice, you can ensure you get the best possible score.

The recommended approach is to do the practice questions first, so we can evaluate your abilities and approach. After that, take the test strategies course. We recommend that you practice the sample questions regularly after that (each time you are going to take the test).


  1. The actual questions you get in the test will be different to the questions here. Our sample questions are based on interviews with test takers since 2011.
  2. Your English study should not focus only on the G.B.C. test.

Make sure you have read the help page about G.B.C. Also make sure you keep up with posts on the blog about GBC.

In particular, you should be familiar with the scoring criteria. That means you should know what the test is looking for and what the grades mean. Study the sample test result and the page on assessment ratings.

You should know your student's current G.B.C. score and their target (both available on their profile and most recent assessment), and have checked their latest results. (Results should be available on their profile too. If it is not, please ask for it and upload it to the "Course and test results" section of their profile.)