G.B.C. Mock Test 5

G.B.C. Mock Test 2020 edition

Do your best in the interview test.

This lesson will help you showcase the best of your grammar, argumentation, fluency and delivery in your upcoming G.B.C. test. Don't forget to respond to the question immediately. 


In order to simulate a variety of G.B.C. test situations, your teacher will ask a variety of follow-up questions. Do your best to stay focused, even if you are surprised by a follow-up.

Each test has a different style. This is another follow-up-type lesson. (Like Mock Test 1)
(Not the whole time, just during the practices.)

Student goal:
Add enough information.

As a challenge, try to preempt follow-up questions by adding the information in your answer. For example, when relevant, add when, where, why, how. 
(pre-empt = take action in order to prevent something from happening)

Teacher style:
Stay on one topic.

Use the follow-ups provided. Or, play the devil's advocate. Be nice! If your student is stressed, back off. 

Warn your student that you’ll interrupt them once in a while to ask them related follow-ups (clarify when, why or how). 

General guidelines

  • No need to try and win an Oscar. Just do your best to change your style.
  • Typically ask 3-5 questions in a burst, then give feedback. There should only be about 3 feedback sessions during a mock-test, unless you see a benefit of more or fewer.
  • Make up your own follow-up questions based on student answers. 
  • During feedback, pay special attention to the goal of the class. 

Ask the questions below; skip the ones you feel don't suit the lesson or the level. 

Remind your student that they need to relax and answer the questions as they would in a business situation.

Student-specific goal

Ideally, establish a customized goal for your student. View the most recent G.B.C. score sheet and find a low score that you can teach to. Otherwise, you can use the default—responding immediately. 

Responding immediately means: 

  • React right away: "Well, that's a good/ interesting/ tough question" (or a quick yes or no).
  • Use fillers when necessary: "Let me see/think about that/consider that..."

Answer the questions your instructor has for you.