Communication Strategies 20 Rethinking your answer: Review

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Consider many angles

In this review lesson we will consider a variety of ways to logically and professionally answer a question.


The previous four lessons have shown you ways to rethink the beginning, middle and end of your answer. This lesson will give you a chance to practice all the strategies together. 

The last four lessons were about alternative strategies for the beginning, middle and end of an answer. The reason for this is that many students take a one-size-fits-all approach to argumentation. But all questions are not the same.

Sometimes you will get simple questions, while some will be more challenging. For some, you will have a clear idea of what to say; for others, you will have no immediate idea.

So, just as there are many types of questions, there need to be many kinds of arguments. 

Warm Up

Recall the last four lessons: 

  1. Many ways to begin.
  2. Alternative structures.
  3. Adding roll-on effects. 
  4. High-impact finishes.

Which lessons were easy for you, and which were more challenging? 

Try to gauge the student's confidence with each of the strategies in the last four lessons. Some students may not want to use the word "easy", so you can offer "simple" or "relatively easy to use in a real answer". 

Here's a quick overview of the lessons, in case your student has forgotten what they studied: 

  • CS 16 Many ways to begin: Repeat key words, rephrase, clarify the specifics of the question or ask for repetition.
  • CS 17 Alternate structures: Start with evidence and reasoning, then make your claim at the end.
  • CS 18 Adding roll-on effects: Connect various if-then clauses, each following the next in a chain of reasoning (If A, then B; and if B, then C; etc.).
  • CS 19 High-impact finishes: Use conclusion phrases and intonation to cue the listener that you're about to end your argument, and add a "so what?"

Review each strategy. If the student still has difficulty, take some time to practice or re-teach the strategy. Students can always return to previous lessons for review and more practice as well. 

Take as much time as needed on this lesson until the student can use each strategy with confidence.


Your instructor will ask you a variety of questions. Try using as many of the above-mentioned strategies as possible in each of your answers.