Communication Strategies

The English Farm | Communication Strategies course

Communication Strategies is a course designed to improve your global communication in English at work. It will cover a range of different skills and strategies to help you to be more productive in your professional life.

  • You will be able to strengthen your ability to present an argument and improve your fluency in order to deliver a presentation with impact.
  • You will learn how to give strong, logical responses with fluency and clarity. The techniques you learn in this course will show you how to make a positive impression in any professional context.

Some of the aspects of communication covered in this course include:

  • How to express yourself with clarity and articulation.
  • How to use the language both authentically and appropriately.
  • How to structure your ideas persuasively.
  • How to express your opinion clearly through learning the language and culture of logic and argumentation.
  • The importance of body language, intonation and pronunciation.

Each lesson can be completed in 25 minutes. There is also a homework task. This course is entirely online. The materials are free. There is no textbook.

Time to complete

13 hours / 25 classes
25 hours / 50 lessons

Communication Strategies is an adaption of Speaking Test Strategies. While Speaking Test Strategies is test oriented, Communication Strategies offers students a broader perspective.

It caters to the needs of a professional who wants to become better at expressing their opinion clearly and persuasively in a global setting.

Lessons 1–5 : What to say (basics of making an argument)

1.    Argumentation basics – the beginning
2.    Argumentation basics – using evidence
3.    Argumentation basics – using reasoning
4.    Argumentation basics – finishing strongly
5.    Argumentation basics – review

Lessons 6–10: How to say it (basics of fluency)

6.    Fluency basics – quick wins
7.    Fluency basics – eliminating non words
8.    Fluency basics – rhythm and intonation
9.    Fluency basics – confidence and enthusiasm
10.    Fluency basics – review

Lessons 11–15: Argumentation strategies, & a closer look at each type of evidence

11.    Advanced argumentation – balanced answers
12.    Advanced argumentation – vivid examples
13.    Advanced argumentation – layering reasoning
14.    Advanced argumentation – using facts and research
15.    Advanced argumentation – review

Lessons 16–20: Re-thinking an answer, from start to finish

16.    Rethinking your answer – many ways to begin
17.    Rethinking your answer – alternative answers
18.    Rethinking your answer – adding roll on effects
19.    Rethinking your answer – high impact finishes
20.    Rethinking your answer – review

Lessons 21–25: Delivery; quick wins; & review

21.    Specific skills – gestures and body language
22.    Specific skills – idioms and natural expressions
23.    Specific skills – intonation patterns
24.    Specific skills – advanced grammar structures
25.    Specific skills – review