New course, new teachers, and Katya helps the politically oppressed in Belarus

This month we celebrate a new course and a new group of teachers! Plus our June Employee of the Month.

Freestyle Learning

At The English Farm, you can learn English from nearly anything you like. So, if we don't currently have another course that addresses a student's needs, they can do Freestyle Learning. Students bring the material they want to use and our teachers will base lessons on it. It can be a web page, digital file, or even a screen-share. This is particularly useful for advanced students who have completed all our other courses but still want to practice and improve their English-language skills.

New teachers

We've welcomed a new group of teachers this month, again from around the world. We have a large, multinational staff now, all of whom are the cream of the crop! There isn't enough room to introduce them all properly, but you can find about them (and the rest of our teachers) on our Teachers page. Our latest group includes: Shane, Dominic, Christian, Lise, Amy, Joan, Phil, Ella, Katy, Oliver, Adene, and Ellie. Welcome, all!

Employee of the Month: Katya

Katya began working with The English Farm in December 2020 and has already become an integral part of our staff. Not only does she use her background as a non-native English speaker to support and encourage her students, but she also writes excellent Discussion topics that students love. The rest of the staff also love her enthusiastic participation in our in-house Skype threads.

Katya has chosen to donate her award money to #BYSOL, an organization that provides financial support to people in Belarus who have been dismissed from their jobs for political reasons. In her words:

I care deeply for my home country, Belarus. People there are persecuted for disagreeing with the government. Many employees lose their jobs because of their political views, even though they are good specialists. I want to help them.

Thanks to Katya and all of our new staff, and the old ones, for all the work you do for TEF!

