Profile details

Location & Language profiles
Stati Uniti
Where are you from?
Stati Uniti
First Language


Teacher Introduction
About me

Hello, my name is Joey, and I am from Dayton, Ohio, USA. I am an English teacher with CELTA teaching qualification and am in the final stage of finishing up my MA TESOL at the University of Brighton in the United Kingdom. I greatly enjoy teaching and speaking with people from different countries and cultures. Helping students achieve their goals and having great relationships along the way are my main motivations in teaching English. I look forward to meeting you!

Highest Qualification
Levels taught

I graduated from the Ohio State University in the U.S. in 2011 with a B.A. in psychology. Shortly after that I completed my CELTA teaching certificate course. Most recently I am in the final stages of completing my MA TESOL at the University of Brighton in the U.K. My final dissertation focuses on teacher personality traits and student preferences.